Monday, December 04, 2006

Read Or Not Read?

Today I handed in the second written assignment, and I'm only four days away from freedom. There's only one obstacle in the way, and that's a school exam in ICT&Learning. The question is - should I read or not? The answer is not as simple as it may sound. You see, I have a zillion pages to read and that it just not doable in such a short time. So if I start I'll just be nauseous from realizing I don't know squat. I think I rather stay ignorantly blissful from having delivered my papers on time, show up on Friday for the exam, and - HEY!!! - fail? Bad strategy, books it'll be then.

Being a student of Humanistic Informatics I absolutely love well functioning tools such as ebrary, and every time I find a book I need in this electronic form I feel like I've hit the jackpot. And what do you know? Diana Laurillard's Rethinking University Teaching: A conversational framework for the effective use of learning technologies was there too. Very convenient.

Fiction novels on the other hand I wouldn't dream of reading from the screen, and I really look forward to taking the train home to mummy this weekend, sit back and enjoy Donna Tart's The Little Friend or some other of the many novels that are waiting for me on my bookshelf. Reading while sipping hot coffee and take occasional glimpses of the mountains passing by.


Anonymous said...

Happy reading - see you tomorrow :)

Karin said...

I'm really tired now, and the weather is absolutely dreadful, so I can't imagine I'll be ready to get out of the house by 8.30 tomorrow morning. On the other hand, I'm so exhausted now I actually might manage to hit the pillow in time tonight, and by that I mean: not passed midnight as I usually do.

Maybe I do see you tomorrow...