Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Old Habits

Just as thought I was cured from being narrow-minded, I find that it sneaks up from behind. But at least I recognize and reflect on it, so it can't be all that bad?

This morning I took the bus (what a relief not to drive, I really hate that, actually!), and a few stops after mine a man came on board. I didn't pay much attention, just caught a glimpse from the corner of my eye (I was busy playing on my phone). The man sat down next to me, and I turned off the game, the battery was low anyway. Instead I brought out a book from my bag, and started to read. After a little while the man turned on the light and I smiled to myself, I sort of knew he was doing it for me. He said: "Much better, right?" I agreed, and we started talking. I guess we chatted for 10-15 minutes before we arrived at our destination. Same stop, in fact. He thanked me for a nice morning ride with the bus, and then we left in different directions.

Have you guessed what my prejudices were? I'm really ashamed, but I couldn't help thinking the man must have been on something, or at least not being sober. Not that it were any indications of anything like that; in fact he seemed perfectly normal, quite a good-looking man... But why should he strike up a conversation with me if he weren't intoxicated? No need for answer, during the course of the day the possibility occurred to me that I might come out as quite normal and nice myself.


Anonymous said...

You should be ashamed for thinking that way about yourself, but the coincidence may actually have scaffolded you out of the misery!! In case you don't know it, I'll repeat what I've said many times before, you are a very normal and wonderful person - never mind friend!!!!

Enjoy life while you can :)

Karin said...

THANKS!!! You're not too bad yourself...