Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Statistics & Tendencies

If there is one thing I really would like to further look into it must be the dangers of categorizing, labeling, arranging and ranking. And how important it is to understand any method or mechanics behind such activities if one is to read anything useful out of them. To see the absolute bottom line as a verified truth could be very unfortunate if not even dangerous.

Anyway, why did I think of this now? Well, I wanted to tell you about this year's first Christmas gift. A friend of mine gave me a CD a few days ago, and when I sat down today to rip and transfer the music to my mp3 player I realized that Tom Waits is overrepresented, and therefor might imply that he is my favorite musician. Of course, in some regard he is, but I'm very careful not to range my likes and dislikes. To put it simple, I don't believe in a strict black and white view of the world. There are too many colors and nuances, and mood changes as well.

Another example is also very close, just look at the labels on this blog. Reading them you might think that all I do is ponder about being a human and a student. True to some extent, but other things are so important and natural to me I don't even have to do any elaborate thinking over them. Like music - totally necessary to me, along with air and water, but reading from the labels you wouldn't think so.

You too have probably read articles referring to research showing differences between groups of people depending on their level of education. You know, divorce rates, obesity, domestic violence et.c. But the tabloid versions usually give us very little background, they just present the "hard facts", some of them derived from statistics. Do they say anything about which kind of education? Could there be differences apart from the length of it? Is a well educated engineer as cooperative and willing to solve a conflict as someone with a degree within social studies or the humanities? By all means, I don't say that he (or she) isn't, I'm just curious.

It's getting late again, and I lost my train of thought here, so I just finish it in the middle of nothing. I might pick it up later. Good thing I can edit my posts...

Tomorrow (today, actually, I realize a little panicky) I'm off to Sweden to spend Christmas with my family. Another, hopefully inspiring, train ride is waiting for me, while the kids with the help of their father's bonus points are flying. But I'm not complaining though, I rather enjoy the train...

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