Sunday, December 31, 2006

New Year - New Gadgets

The Holidays are for several reasons perhaps not the time for spending late hours by the computer, and I have myself these past days been somewhat detached from the online communities I usually frequent. Last night and today I have however been more active, and look what I found on Jill's site! Like she says; offers an "über-cool see-the-site-before-you-click-the-link effect". Just my kind of toy, and what ever statistical information they can gather by tracking activities on my blog I don't mind. For now, anyway. I have no secrets, you know...


Anonymous said...

Karin, I believe you have a lot of secrets, but naturally not on your blog :)

By the way, I'm still awaiting your 5 things about you that your blog readers don't know about you ;). I've been waiting for that particular post very patiently!

Karin said...

Sorry my friend, I seem to have fallen in to some form of coma. I haven't done anything useful around here, and all I wanna do is sleep. Have been thinking around it though, so I'll see what happens today. Just admit it, you're curious about my "secrets"!

Toril said...
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Anonymous said...

Absolutely ;) so wake up!!