Monday, January 15, 2007

Yippee, I Made It

I didn't know that it would make such a difference, but wow, how fulfilling it is to have met the qualifications and be accepted to a course, when there were at least twice as many applicants as places. What a boost, it really seems things are working my way these days. Better enjoy it while it lasts... Bad days, and bad weeks will always come, but appreciating and making the most out of times like these will leave me better prepared for the downs. And possibly even keep them at distance.

Anyhow, enough about bad days, I wanted to tell you about the course. It's a practical course in Public Relations, with five weeks out in the field included. Very useful, 'cause no matter how much I love spending time reading, thinking and writing, I also know that is only a part of who I am. I need both. And if I can combine them it's even better.

And there was another thing today. Someone asked me if I got Skype. I hear about it constantly, but I must admit I didn't know that much about it. Didn't take me five minutes though to realize that Skype certainly is a smart thing. If you have someone on the other end, that is, and that is also the answer to why I haven't had any use for it. Until now... So now the program is downloaded and installed, and the headset is purchased. Amazing how efficient I can be when I'm in the right mood.

First I was just happy to have found something to write about. (Yeah, true! Earlier today I really wanted to write but couldn't find an opening.) But I also see now that these two things share something very important, and that is the element of communication. Communication is a willingness to understand, and make yourself understood as well. You should see me now, I'm almost jumping up and down in my chair out of excitement! It just struck me that the other course I'm attending this semester also is very much about communication, Human Computer Interaction can be understood as methods of communicating with computers and different computer based systems. But me getting all this excited has even more to do with the thread I see, and maybe I can use that for an assignment somehow?

Me and Toril share some favorite words and what I had now is one of them - Epiphany.


Toril said...

Congratulations, Karin!! I'm ecstatically happy for you, and I know you'll enjoy both a lot. As you know, I've been immersed in quite a lot of human computer interaction, and the subject is beyond fascinating!!

They keep telling me that all master degree students suddenly get an epiphany when the deadline is approaching faster than you can think... and I'm waiting for that particular epiphany!! Simultaneously I'm very pleased that the hyperventilation is absent so far, but I sure can feel it looming outside the window - never mind in my dreams when I eventually leave earthly demands, expectations, and tension!

Karin said...

I'm sure you're right, and I can't help but feel quite pleased with myself for the moment. I have even put the music back on again, and that is absolutely a sign of health! If things continue this way I might soon be able to play my MP3 on "random play all" without risking serious emotional burstouts when I least expect it.

And you? You'll be fine, we all know it; the Champagne is just around the corner...

Toril said...

Music can work in mysterious ways, and a main reason we're all addicted to its beauty whether it's jazz, blues, classical, or indeed disco ;)

I do hope that Champagne is being chilled at this very moment!! I'm having an efficient day so far, which has me thinking (threading) that your delightful happiness is rubbing off on me :)

Karin said...

Marvelous, indeed!

Maybe we even should have a beta version of that Champagne? You know how important testing is...

Toril said...

Good thinking - testing is immensely important indeed - although the bubbles in Champagne may quite possibly disrupt my present train of thoughts.... it sure is tempting though, and it wouldn't take long to convince me otherwise ;)

Karin said...

Now, we'll work something out... one way or the other...