Friday, January 19, 2007


Another night, and - nothing. Went to bed, and again I looked forward to fantastic adventures and thrilling excitements. Don't be alarmed, I'm not starting as a soft-porn writer, I'm only talking about dreams. Or rather the absence of them.

Dreams have always been a significant part of me, but I really haven't thought of it that way before. I have always had a lot of dreams, and quite vivid ones, and I also thought that was the case for all people. It's not, or at least not all people are aware of them or pay any attention to them.

Well, I believe my dreams are there to identify me, to help me and sort things out. My unconscious introduces concepts and thoughts to me in my dreams that "I" wouldn't listen to while awake. This could get really complicated, and as this isn't about the function of dreams we'll leave it for now.

Sometimes I have dreams so "perfect" that when I wake up in the morning, I have a true sense of it's reality, and I can feel totally convinced that it actually happened. Then I'm blissfully content for the rest of the day, unless (and that is most likely going to happen) real life hits me. But if I could custom order dreams like that, and have a guarantee that no one tells me the truth - I think I could live like that. Sure, I'm kidding, but it's an alluring thought, isn't it? And I have actually on more than one occasion been able to bring a nice thought into sleep, and have a rewarding dream.

But not now, for weeks haven't had one dream that I could remember, either sweet or nightmarish. This made me think of my unconscious (as if it was some separate, higher power...), and what's it doing to me. The answer is:

Stop dreaming! There is a world out there, which is far better than any reverie. It is real, ready to be explored with all senses!

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