Saturday, January 06, 2007

First Sight

One advantage of getting to know yourself better is that you also might stop attracting people who aren't good for you. It takes one to know one, they say, and how true isn't that, and I think if you criticize others and focus on their faults that's just the kind of people you'll end up spending too much time with, either as partners or "friends". If you instead pay more attention to yourself and your behavior I think the people that are right for you one day will just "knock on your door".

I believe that in any relationship you are mirroring each other to some extent, and in a good one you like what you see, but as your primary relationship is with yourself you just have to like your own image too. And you can't like what you don't know... There you go.

I have a strong feeling that this didn't come out as I first pictured it, I found myself too distracted. Strange coincidents are playing tricks on me right now, so I just might edit this one tomorrow. That wouldn't be the first time either. Major plus with writing - quite easy to rephrase and even to erase the whole thing.


Toril said...

I absolutely adore the picture, and your observations are so true!! A lot of times I'm vastly attracted to people that in the end do nothing but eat my energy and happiness in large and bottomless proportions. They are good at talking about their life and their miseries, but forget to listen... I found a very good saying the other day about the skill of listening, but do you think I can find it when I need it?? Not exactly!!

I've become better at filtering out friends and associates that I don't need, but I often need wisdom and guidance from my better half before I do anything about it...

I believe it's part of growing up - the wisdom of life - so to speak :)

Karin said...

Good, it sounds like I manged to express what I intended after all. You see, so often when I write I'm not sure whether it's only in my head or not. Especially when there's a lot of other things in there as well, distracting my train of thoughts.

I'll see you tomorrow, I have things to tell you...


Toril said...

Curious?? Me?? Why would you think that? Actually, you may have to casually invite me along on your train of thoughts in order to heal my agitating insomnia :)


While I'm at it, the picture in the mirror reminds me of myself when I head for the mirror in the morning thinking in my distressed mind that the picture that I'm going to see is me approximately 20 years ago... Why can't my face look as young as my mind feels??????