Thursday, January 04, 2007

5 Things You Didn't Know About Me (Maybe)

Toril has tagged me for a meme, which I actually would like to follow. This time it's about 5 personal "secrets", or at least things you usually don't write about in your blog. As in Toril's case episodes and behavior from younger days naturally comes to mind, so here are a few things you perhaps didn't know about me.

  1. As a very young kid I was afraid of the sea and wouldn't take a swim in anything but fresh water. The idea of monsters like crabs, jellyfish and worse kept me far away from the waves. I came to my senses of course and now I just love everything about the sea.
  2. I hated fish too! To eat I mean, and getting steamed cod for dinner was the worst punishment in my opinion. I came to my senses in that area too, and today cod is a luxury. In every aspect, since overfishing and global warming almost has landed the cod on the endangered species list.
  3. As a kid I played the violin. Nothing more to say about that really...
  4. And I danced ballet. Same with that, I quit. But maybe I should reflect on these two activities and why I quit? You see, I have had a habit of quitting things as soon as I didn't feel good enough, and how could I be? Comparing myself to the ballerina I saw in Swan Lake at the opera, or the fiddlers we had for guests in our home, and who woke me up in the middle of the night playing folk music. I loved it though, and it has probably shaped me as well, but at that point I figured I'd never be as good. I was 9. I remember my tutor calling my parents begging them to persuade me to keep on playing, but I had made my mind up. These days I try to let the experts inspire me to improve myself instead of giving up.
  5. At last - I was a rock girl, and quite heavy rock it was, with bands like Krokus, AC/DC, Motörhead and Iron Maiden. I dressed accordingly, probably to my mothers disliking, but perhaps she was smarter than me keeping quiet, 'cause I can't keep my mouth shot when it comes to my own 13-year-old. Guess what her favorite music is?

This has been fun, and I think I'll pester my teachers and tag Jill and Hilde. Then I'll also tag Pia, who left for Hong Kong this semester.


Toril said...

Well, amazing grace - you did it!! I understand why some children are afraid of the sea, but since I was surrounded by it (living on an island) I grew up never fearing it, although we were taught to respect it!! I had considered including my disgust of fish when I was a child, but didn't since I absolutely adore it today. I grew up eating an assortment of fish dishes 5 days a week - so needless to say - I made a huge stink every time it (fish) showed up at the table. I must have been a real brat ( which my sister would definitely applaud to). My poor old parents!! Don't worry though, God rewarded me with a daughter who was light years beyond my brat stage as far as dinners were concerned!!

I never danced ballet, I was a true tomboy, and I think I still am today even if I LOVE to dance!! I always detested heavy rock as it in my opinion consists of just a lot of loud noise. I love everything that has dance rhythm, as you probably understand after reading my 5 personal secrets (hi,hi)!

I envy your music skills (violin) - I was either totally useless or never introduced to it....

Karin said...

Have to remind you though, that with everyones best interest in mind I don't play the violin anymore. These days I have transferred my musical skills into listening.