Monday, April 02, 2007

April Fools' Day

Did you get tricked today? Well, technically it isn't 1st of April anymore, but it was when I woke up this morning, and as I haven't gone to bed yet I still consider it April Fools' Day.

When I was a kid this day was pretty important, and we all made our best to fool everybody around us. And there was always the joke in the paper to look for, like "the police department is giving away all lost bicycles they had in storage for free". When people arrived at he place where they supposedly could pick up a free bike, they were met by a poster saying "April, April". And a reporter taking pictures of people pretending they didn't fell for it. They were only there to spot other people making fools of themselves...

That "April, April" is the short version of the Swedish "April, april, din dumma sill, jag kan lura dig vart jag vill." This means something like "Stupid fish, I can trick you where ever I wish." I didn't get to say that very often - I had (and still have) serious problems with tricking and fooling people. And when I got to call my mom a "stupid fish", I guess she only pretended to be fooled to make me happy. I heard the words a lot though. That's the downside of being as naïve as I am.

As I'm about to go to bed now, and I haven't heard anyone shout "April, April" to me, it means I made it through the day without someone making me believe something that wasn't true? I sure hope so.

But April really is one of my favorite months, as soon as the first day is over. April is the spring month, the month when everything seem to explode and come to life. And for my own part, so many significant things have happened to me in this month. (Apart for the most obvious fact that I have my birthday in it.)

So let's see what April can bring this year...

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