Friday, April 13, 2007

Frisky People In Springtime

April has indeed proved itself to be a month full of surprises and strange events, and I thought I'd share a few of them with you.

I have been ill for a few weeks now. A nasty cold has set up camp in my body, which is rather unusual for me, and this time it has been even worse since it developed into a serious sinus infection which I'm now munching penicillin for. Boring but necessary details, as I wanted you to understand how much I welcomed my sense of taste back and how much I looked forward to meet a certain someone for lunch yesterday. Being able to breath normally again and all that.

Anyway, we met in town a little too early to go to the restaurant - they open at 1 o'clock - so we decided to enjoy the sun and each others company in the park for a while. We found a empty bench and sat down. The air was warm, and for a moment I forgot all the problems and worries that waited for me at home. Time flew as quickly as the giddy birds in the sky, but twenty minutes later or so we started to get hungry so we headed for the restaurant, where we had a most wonderful lunch talking about this and that.

Pic "stolen" from Vinod.

After lunch we went to another place and had a cup of coffee, still all smiles.

But as we both had various businesses to attend to afterwards, we had to finish off this lunch break, and I followed him to the car. We were not going the same direction, but he would let me off at my bus stop. His car was parked on the bottom floor and we took the stairs down. And this is what we saw as we approached the car:

He asked me:
What do we do now? Report it to the police? (Is it a felony to begin with?) Pick up our phones (with Video function) and post it to YouTube when we get home?

Damn if I knew. Did this really happen? In a parking house in Bergen at lunchtime?

And I thought I was adventurous, kissing like a teenager in the park...


Toril said...

Hello there Smiley!! What a delightful story, I really loved it ;) It sure has been some time since I had a date in town, better have a serious chat with Geir :) I love lunches, especially the unplanned once as I am a very impulsive woman - nevermind romantic - hopeless there!!

Keep writing my friend, really pleased you and your imagination are back in business ;)

Rableriet said...

Morsom historie, du lurte meg en stund ;) Og bare skyld på de stakkars marihønene hmmmm ;)

Karin said...

Amazing how a nasty infection sets you back, isn't it? And then it feels even better when those sluggish braincells start to spin around again.

Og du kjære Synnøve, tror du jeg tuller med "mine lesere"? :) Du aner ikke hva man kan få se i de innerste krokene av et parkeringshus...

Rableriet said...

Neeeeeei, sjølvsagt ikkje. Lurte berre på om det var du eller de andre som såg noe? :)
Håper at du har det bra, og at du snart flyr ned til meg på Uglehaugen,uuhuuu ;)

Karin said...

He, he, du er meg en fin en, du. Må nok ta en prat mellom fire øyne...

Jeg har 6 praksisdager igjen i de kommende 2 ukene, og første blir mandag. Kanskje jeg skulle stikke innom etter "arbeid" da? (Jeg har korte dager) Du sitter litt utpå som oftest, eller?

Rableriet said...

Når sola går ned i vest, jobber de late best ;) du er velkommen