Saturday, April 21, 2007

You Wanna Kiss?

Yesterday I felt a little blue, as I sometimes do for no particular reason. It's more like it's too much going on, and I get a little confused and tired. Teenagers, studies, grownup and moved away children with heartache, sinusitis, "writer's block" (not that I'm a writer, but I do need to write those assignments...), and the anxiety about the future (and everything regarding it) that strikes me from time to time. I called a friend, and after talking to her I felt much better. I guess she could be rich by now if she only charged me for her counseling.

So when I woke up this morning everything seemed a lot brighter, but I knew there was still potential for improvement. All I needed was a kiss. Or two.

And boy am I lucky, as I won't settle for kissing just any stranger passing by. (Have to have known them for at least a couple of hours...) So thanks to the wonders of technology, and a few MMS and SMS later I got myself a date in a park, somewhere in between his and my place.

20 minutes of sunshine, ice cream, and kissing. Wow, what an afternoon! And now I'm quite content again. Thank you, darling.


Toril said...

You deserve all the kisses you can get!!!! And don't worry too much - life is simply too short for that :) But, I know how you feel having been there myself - not too long ago!!

We need to cetch up soon - that is if you're not still kissing in the park ;)

Karin said...

Well, I guess I see you on Tuesday, won't I? Barbara Ganley's lecture is at 14.15, right? (Location?)

But I also plan to pay a visit to the Faculty of Law, from 10 to 13 same day. They're having a talk shop on the theme of "tolerance" which could be very interesting. Speakers are Lars Fr. H. Svendsen, HÃ¥kan Rydving and Knut Venneslan. You might wanna come too?

And maybe something to eat after all this?

Toril said...

My precious friend, GREAT friends think alike!! Just commented on your comment on my blog, and then I read this comment.... The lecture you're talking about sounds very tempting, and I should say is a MUST!! I had planned to be at the university early anyways so I'll come along to the lecture at the Faculty of Law :)

Now that I have some spare time to my disposal I'm going to check out if there are any interesting guest lectures at the Faculty of Psychology, and also some concerning my favorite subject of all - philosophy!!! I just assume that you would want to come along, right??

I think something to eat after all the ordeals on Tuesday sounds terrific! Pinvinen might be a good choice, eh??

Karin said...

I must say I really look forward to Tuesday now, and hopefully it will give me some much needed inspiration. Pingvinen sounds good too...

Toril said...

I wonder if Pingvinen opens for lunch now that they've become so popular? We ought to check it out since new plans for the evening have surfaced, plans which I just have to pursuit ;)

Karin said...

If not, we'll figure something out. Anything but McDonalds, I'd say...

Toril said...

Halleluja, McDonald's is not even in my vocabulary!!!!! Where and when do we meet for the gathering???

Karin said...

The talkshop at the Faculty of Law starts at ten, so I guess I'll be there a little before that.

Toril said...

Ok, how about we meet at Sydenes about 09.50? I'll be driving in order to get from A to B quickly :) so will try to get free parking....

Karin said...

Kristin is going to the talkshop as well (probably), and she's driving. I'm not sure whether she'll be parking at Sydnes or Dragefjellet... Anyway, I'll let you know in the morning if Kristin is driving, or if I'll get down by bus...

Toril said...

Ok, should I pick you up??