Wednesday, April 25, 2007

It’s Time For a Picnic

I’m planning a little rendezvous on Friday, a lunchtime picnic in the woods. And for that I need to prepare a little meal.

I have a long time favorite, which I first got served at a café in Joondalup, at the outskirts of Perth, Australia. Since then I have varied it from time to time depending on availability of the meat, but the basic is a Ciabatta filled with cream cheese, “plain” cheese, red onion, sun-dried tomatoes and avocado. And to this you add the meat, which could be almost any, as long as it’s tasty. But I prefer Pastrami, turkey breast or maybe grilled chicken. With a few olives on the side you should have a real treat. Ideally you would wash this meal down with some lovely wine, but for a Friday lunch break, I think we’ll have to stick to coffee. And I have a dessert planned as well...

Sounds good, doesn't it?


Anonymous said...

TGI(soon)F ;)

Karin said...

I take that as you agree upon the menu then? Goodie, goodie...

Anonymous said...

The menu seems quite interesting. Lots of good stuff there. Looking forward to it and is a little bit curious about the dessert. ;)

Karin said...

I think we'll go for something zesty... Maybe Ambrosia Cake?

Toril said...

Now, this lunch looks absolutely mouthwatering, and since I'm not doing anything in particular on Friday (for lunch) I thought I'd join you... Which forest was it? hi,hi ;)

Karin said...

Sorry, but this is a top secret operation. I'm not sure if your security clearance is valid...

Toril said...

Top secret operations? I do have some insiders that would be happy to give me the security clearance I need to keep me happy.... You're not going to devour that basket of food without me are you?????

On second thought, I think you may need some privacy actually, so why not bring the basket along to the park one day - and I'll bring the wine?? Better not tell anybody though since drinking publically is illegal ;) and we don't want to be caught doing anything illegal do we now??

Karin said...

Oh no, we're perfect examples of lawful, obedient citizens. Wouldn't dream of breaking the law...

But I do look forward to a lovely picnic in the park, with delicious wine and great friends!

Toril said...

By the way, isn't it your birthday today? 30 something???? Is that why you're having lunch in the forest? I'm curious ;)

Karin said...

No, birthday is tomorrow. And no, that wasn't the reason anyway.

But now in retrospect I must say that I couldn't have celebrated it in a better way, and considering the actual day will be spent with studies, I hereby declare that picnic for the best birthday party ever!