Thursday, June 28, 2007

Only A Day Away...

...and then I'm off to Sweden, and mom's place. There's as always when traveling a zillion things to remember, and I've made a checklist where I cross off things along the way. (Something tells me I probably could benefit from making to-do-lists all year round, but somehow it seems to be purely a holiday thing...) Who can water my plants? Who can pick up the mail for the club? And then all the things I need to bring with me; passport, camera, chargers for camera and mobile, codes for online bank, and other bits and pieces.

But one thing that's usually on my list I haven't added this time, and that's my laptop. This summer I'm really going to be on vacation, no playing around on the computer, whatever writing I'll do will be old-fashioned style. Paper and pen. I think that'll have some therapeutic value to it. I won't be completely off line though, my mother's got internet, so I will check mail and things like that, but not much more I hope. So what am I going to do then?

That was the question Irene asked me today as well. She's my coach at this course I'm attending, and I went to her today for some counseling. I have been thinking so much lately that I felt completely out of balance, and I needed her to "pull me together". Well, she isn't the one who does the actual work, but she offers me some possibilities on how to proceed. Apparently I'm a nice little girl, and that isn't necessarily only a good thing. In my case it means I have some problems in taking care of my own needs, always trying my best to please others. Always making myself accessible. That needs to be changed, and therefor I'm planning to learn to set limits. Say no once in a while. Irene's advice was to get plenty of rest, and lots of "grounding". (Spend time in nature, do things physically, paint, sew, et.c) Get more in contact with my feelings. As much as I talk about feelings, both mine and others, I tend to forget to really feel, it stays more in my head so to speak. So while it may seem as I'm ahead, I'm just as confused as anybody else. I guess 3 1/2 weeks in Sweden will do me very good, indeed.

And even that hour with Irene help me tremendously. When I first started talking to her I was so wound up even she couldn't follow my erratic thoughts! But when I left her room I actually smiled and felt so much calmer. So for now, have a nice summer. I might pop in here occasionally for an update from the hammock...


Anonymous said...

I wish you a very good vacation and hope you will have fair weather, calm winds and lots of relaxation (without having to do anything).
My plan was to send you your lunch box which I have borrowed, filled up with some goodies for your trip to Sweden.
But as I see you are leaving tomorrow already, you will have to take a raincheck for that one.
Most likely I will call you or send an SMS during your weeks in Sweden - only to remind you to have fun, relax and enjoy yourself.
Take care.

Karin said...

You're really are something special, you know that, right? And I'll gladly take a raincheck for that box of goodies.

I wish you a nice vacation also, you probably need it as much as I do! And yes, you can call me. :)

Take care, you too!