Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Regular Hangout

I really look forward to tomorrow's lunch, as my friend Toril is having her birthday and we're going to celebrate her in style. I don't think we know any other way... But by style I don't necessarily mean too extravagant or overly expensive, but a lunch with her always leaves me feeling elevated and "spirited". (And the mandatory wine sure sets a certain standard.)

So where are we going? To our regular hangout, of course! Not that I've been there that many times, can still count them, but enough times for it to feel like it's ours. Although not exclusively ours, I would love to go there with any of my friends. Or with my special friend. Haven't tried the candlelit evening time version yet.

Or why not try out the Champagne tasting they're having in August? 4 different Champagnes, together with confectionaries, champagne truffles, fresh strawberries dipped in chocolate and a champagne mousse dessert...

1 comment:

Toril said...

Thank you very much, Karin!! I've been really looking forward to this lunch as well, and not so much because it's my birthday, but because I really enjoy our lunches!!

I believe we could call it our regular hangout now since we keep going back, and always leave happy. To be honest with you, I've tried quite a few others, but Moliere is the best. I particularly enjoy the wines they have selected, and even Kristina rants and raves about the riesling she had for lunch there once. The best she has ever had, and she wants to go back :)

It's been a good birthday - so far - and it can only get better having lunch with you, and then there is the PARTY all weekend long, yeehaaa!!!!

I even have the flag up today. You probably think it's silly to raise the flag for myself, but it's a tradition in my family as we had a flagpost between my childhood home and my grandmother's (she was precious!!), and she would raise the flag for all her grandchildren on their birthday. A huge Norwegian flag, which I truly love to this day. Watch me!! I'll have a proper flagpost one of these days, with a huge flag on it so I can raise the flag for my children and grandchildren!!!!

See you soon ;)