Saturday, June 09, 2007

Early Bird

It's 5 am, and I have just spent the night outside, chatting with a very friendly neighbor. And we did drink a few glasses of wine as well...

I have now lived here for nearly two years, but since I don't have small children who need to be supervised, and since I'm not a smoker I really don't spend that much time outside in the yard, and therefor I hardly know any of my neighbors. Maybe it's sad, I don't know, but I have been through this "getting acquainted phase" so many times I hardly can't be bothered anymore. It takes an enormous amount of energy to get to know someone.

This particular woman I have actually been talking to before, so she wasn't a complete stranger, but I'm sure this nightly huddle was a little bit special. It never seize to amaze me how much seemingly unrelated events happens all the time, and strange coincidences are everywhere. But I won't bore you with details, let's just say that we our conversation covered a lot of areas I wouldn't have expected. And there's definitely way more between heaven and earth than we can see.

But of course, we also touched upon more earthly issues like men, relationships and human behavior in general. Needless to say, that part of the discussion lasted for a while...

It's interesting to see how hard it is to change the way we behave, although it might seem so. I have really tried to act differently when meeting new people, and I guess there's been some positive progress, but I also see that in some respects I keep doing the same "mistakes" over and over again. Quotation marks here 'cause in one case an action can be a mistake as in another you might get the result you want, only because the other part is reacting differently.

Yeah, yeah - it's hard to be a nissemann...

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