Wednesday, June 06, 2007

"Working Girl"

On Monday I took my old car out for a drive, I had to pay a professor in Rosendal a visit. Even though my practice period at the Institute of Marine Research is over, I am still asked to write a newsletter for them. Really exciting, especially since this is concerning groundbreaking research. (And the fact that I'm getting paid for the job, something I haven't experienced since sometime back in the last millennium...)

Anyhow, the summer has really hit this frozen part of the world, and the sun is sending us it's insidious rays all day long, so the ride in to "Rose Valley" was nothing but delightful. Even the ferry trip, which I usually find quite boring, was nice since I could enjoy the sun from the top deck.

I met with the professor for lunch, and it soon became evident that I am not professional! I realize that this is something I have to work on if I ever want to hold a job. As I didn't know the "procedures" for a meeting like this I chatted away as usual. Everyone who knows me get the picture, right? And when I'm nervous, I get seriously incoherent, talking nonsense, and I felt like an idiot most of the time. Charm really didn't work there.

But maybe it was all in my head? 'Cause I actually said something that caught his attention, and he even said "that was actually very well put, I think I'm going to use that". He, he, I've made a contribution to the "world peace"...

Here are a few glimpses from that day:

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