Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Another Year, Another Choice

There's no way back now, and I have to finish my degree this year. One course is already fixed, as that is my Bachelor assignment, but I still have to choose another one in order to fulfill my obligations. At this point I have three different in mind, and I thought I'd attend the lectures of all of them this week. To try them out, so to speak, making the choice easier. It wouldn't surprise me though if I'll stick to the one I went to today: Logic, Language- and Science Philosophy. How nice for a change to study something where you're either wrong or right! Clean and tidy answers. True or false. And no essay-writing, which means I can totally concentrate all academic writing into just the one paper. But all in all they're absolutely connected - a well written academic paper, or any discussion for that matter, is based on sound arguments. The trick is to get the premises right, and hopefully this course will teach me that. It almost sounds like I'm rather enthusiastic and inspired right now? Think I am, actually! I do wonder why... :) :) :)

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