Friday, January 25, 2008

Telling Time

I'm not sure my son really appreciate this photo of him, but this was the only one I managed to get, when he was home last weekend. First leave since he started, and I must admit I was a little proud. I didn't think I was going to see him again that soon, but apparently he needs to go home and get some money. Not for beer, but for a necessary accessory, which the Navy isn't supplying. And now we could use some help. I guess there aren't that many applicable to answer, so I'm sorry for being so blunt here.

They're told that they need to carry a watch for the field week. What should he buy? Just a simple watch that basically shows the time, and hopefully lasts through the week? I can almost hear the answer to that question myself... But how much do we need to spend? Any other important aspects to consider?

I'm grateful for any input here, so please feel free.

Bye for now, I'm soon off to my "alternative" course, which mean I'll have the whole day away from the computer. That's a nice break. Very soon I'll need to take permanent camp in front of the machine in order to fulfill my assignment...


Anonymous said...

The watch should be waterproof and be able to sustain some roughness, but there is no need to spend a whole lot of money on it.
Besides this, a good knife is always mandatory in the field - or at sea for that matter. You could manage with a Leatherman- or Victorinox-type, but I would recommend a slightly bigger and more solid one as well. For the feet, it is a good idea to bring sports tape or a Compeed-like product. Shine the shoes properly and keep them like that during the week. Always keep your feet dry or tend to them whenever possible. (You will need them when attacking the enemy - or flee from them of course)
Socks and underwear of wool - nothing else. PERIOD!
Bring with you some sanitary- and disinfection napkins. Good for comfort and hygiene.
Bottom line = keep dry and you will stay warm - and ready to fight.
And always...."believe in Peace, Love and Superior Weapons" :D

Karin said...

Thanks my friend, I know I could rely on you, and I assure you we will consider your advice carefully. To the point even. But the knife? Is that something they need to supply themselves at this stage? From what I could understand they hadn't been told anything like that.

The wool underwear was actually in my thoughts already for Christmas, but then I remembered he still have his woollies he uses when diving. But then of course he can't get hold of them now, as they're locked in, in his father's house. He can take mine then, I guess. They're not pink...

So - a sensible and affordable watch, wool socks, and some remedies for sore feet and blisters, and he'll be all set to go?

Anonymous said...

With a mother like his - he'll be set to go anywhere and anytime. And when it comes to the knife, it's (in my opinion) always appropriate to wear one in the bush, field, woods or where ever you are. For instance; If you are carrying too much and some of your items are a knife and a rifle - throw away the rifle, but keep the knife.
Rest assured my very good friend - he'll be ready to go.

Karin said...

First - thanks for the compliment; you really know how to serve them, like the officer&gentleman you are.

Then - about knives. You said Leatherman or Victorinox, you mean a SAK type? Is a Gerber better then? No, I shouldn't pretend I know that much about knives, although my father taught me to (always) carry one. Something which I haven't done for years...

I think I'll leave the knife-business for Thomas to decide, if and when he's getting one. He's a big boy now, and I'm sure he can look after himself. Or at least he will be able to, after spending time with you lot! :)

(And besides, a good knife doesn't come cheap, that much I know.)