Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Wonders Of Water

Accordingly to Dr. F. Batmanghelidj water is the cure for every disorder in your body, and the way he explains it, it really sounds convincing. I'm not sure to which extent I believe in that, but apart from other miracle cures, this one won't harm you. If you don't drink gallons of it, that is. Or drown in it, of course, but that's a different story altogether.

Yesterday I spent three hours at the emergency. Not that it was that urgent, but trying to get hold of your family doctor on short notice here in Norway is almost an impossible task. So even for such a "minor" thing as Conjunctivitis there seem to be no other way. For two weeks now I've been trying to keep this flue at bay, and various symptoms have been replacing each other. Salt water spray for the nose worked fine, and herbal tea soothed my sore throat. (My brother also suggested some Cognac, and if it worked or not I don't know, but it sure was funnier.) But when I woke up all red eyed yesterday I realized I couldn't fight this by myself.

Most of the time was spent waiting, the actual appointment with the doctor was over fairly quickly. I was led in to an examination room by a nurse, she took the temperature, and then I waited for a couple of minutes more. The doctor came in and asked all his questions, and soon I was standing breathing heavily on the floor with my shirt lifted. "Deeper!" he said. "Take deep breaths." I tried the best I could, and I guess he was pleased with what he heard, and the only thing he prescribed were the drops for the eye infection. I was very happy about that, didn't want to be put on antibiotics. I told him how I liked to use salt water for my nose and eyes, and he agreed what a fantastic remedy that is. While he sat at the computer writing the prescription he said: it's even good to soak in, how about two weeks in Greece, maybe I should order that for you? "Yes, yes!" I nodded eagerly. He smiled back. "But you need to be accompanied by a doctor."

Had I been 17 I'd probably wouldn't have noticed, and if I'd been 83 I'd think "What a charming young man", but at 42 I think he was just being quite funny.

And now for something completely different. My daughter showed me this site blogthings where there are like a zillion more or less stupid tests to take, and I took this one - "What Should Your Superpower Be?" And the result? Hold on to your hat:

Your Superpower Should Be Mind Reading

You are brilliant, insightful, and intuitive.
You understand people better than they would like to be understood.
Highly sensitive, you are good at putting together seemingly irrelevant details.
You figure out what's going on before anyone knows that anything is going on!

Why you would be a good superhero: You don't care what people think, and you'd do whatever needed to be done

Your biggest problem as a superhero: Feeling even more isolated than you do now

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