Thursday, January 17, 2008

A Quick And Painful Experience

Oh boy, am I glad I don't have to take that course! "Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind", seemed more like an introduction to "How to waste your Time". Sorry, that was mean, and I know I'm absolutely in no position to criticize any professor. I'm sure his knowledge stretches very far and wide, but if he, at the age of 65, still is so nervous that he stutters with his eyes shut, well, I'll leave. Childish perhaps, but the poor man just didn't make any sense. Then it could be my abilities, of course, by judging from the other students reactions I don't think so. It was supposed to be an introductory course, after all. In my opinion a good lecturer knows how to simplify his message and engage the students. A lot of mumbling and confusing ideas, it was. Enough said about that.

Now I'm down to two choices, but the smartest is probably to stick to "Logic". Although the lecture I went to yesterday (Critical Approaches to Information Technology and Society) was very interesting, the course itself requires a lot of attendance, collaborating, and presentations. All which in turn means I'll have very little to go on if life decides to f¤&#% with me again. Me myself have no plans of misery, but sometimes things happen beyound control, so I better play safe, I think.


Erica said...

Love it! :) Some of the greatest intellectuals can't teach to save their lives!!!! Chronic problem at the University level. Some of the worst being at the introductory level - guess the 3rd and 4th year students know better and create a HUGE stink if they're stuck with this sort of thing.

Life likes to toss us a curve once in awhile, I suppose the growth process is how we learn to cope with all these bumps in the road. I can tell myself that over and over again - but when you're in the middle of it things don't look all that clear! ;0)

I had a bit of a break-through the other day. I've been feeling like a victim again, I can't clean and organize my stuff until the ex decides to finally remove all his CRAP from my garage. Well, it finally sunk in, I'm responsible for this...I let him drag it out, so time for ME to take control and responsibility!!!! I (really, me!)changed all the locks on the garage and although it may not be right, I will sort and clean it out at MY convenience! I've felt like I'm flying ever since!!!!! So that little bump in the road that has been a thorn in my side for the last year and a half is now gone! Isn't life grand???!!!

Karin said...

Good for you, Deb! That is one thing I still have to master - to realize when enough is enough and set the record straight. I'm still too bloody "nice"...

I read that post of yours, and wanted to respond, but didn't know how really. You see, I'm even too soft on other people's behalf, and wasn't sure if the rage was "in place". But reading your comment here, I understand better. And thank you for the lesson.

Cheers for straight and flat roads! At least for a while; we need the ups and downs for perspective.