Monday, September 01, 2008

Steamy Windows

I woke up a at 1 pm today after only a few hours sleep, totally exhausted from last night. Came home this morning just in time to give my youngest her bus money.

These three days with the Angelos Method have been, although fantastic also pretty tough, and when finished yesterday evening I really looked forward to go home and hit the pillow. Just had to pay a friend of mine a little visit first, but didn't plan to stay long. When I got there there were a few people there already, and before I know it I was involved in all the stuff that was going on around the house. Things were moved here and there, and it got quite steamy. Bedrooms, hallways, living room and kitchen. The cellar too. In fact I think every room was worked on.

Around midnight the others left and it was just me and my friend left. And we kept it going like it was no tomorrow. At one point the neighbors complained about us being too loud and called the police, which responded and came to our door at 3.30 in the morning. They told us to keep it quiet until the morning, and we said we'd behave. The handsome man in uniform also asked for a phone number if they had to call us again. I gave him mine. So we slowed down a little, and tried to make as little noise as possible. At 6.30 we could wait any longer, and continued for another hour at full steam.

When we said goodbye in the morning, she gave me a hug and called me her angel. We had one last look back and and recalled all the happy memories we've had in there, wine shared and sincere conversations. Then she locked the door behind her and knew we had made it. Her house was emptied and cleaned for the next owners to take over! She was ready to bring the rest of her belongings and move to Scotland to her loving new man, and a fresh new start in life.

I went to my car and put my invaluable Kärcher steam cleaner
in the back seat and drove home.


Anonymous said...

Well - I've heard and read about loud people before, but not in this kind of setting - I think. :)
(If this isn't "double-bottom-speaking - what is?) ;))

Karin said...

Well, all this is kinda your "fault", but I think you know that... ;)

What I can do with words is becoming more and more clear to me, and much thanks to you I will probably do something about it on a larger scale. And I might have a few questions for you as well, but I'd prefer someplace else than here for that discussion.
