Sunday, September 07, 2008

Risotto Retry

I made the risotto today instead, although today I didn't need the calming effect of making it as described yesterday. Today it was just for fun an nutrition. What a shame though to enjoy that all on my own? I think I better pack the ingredients and invite myself over to someone the next time. So beware! There might be an Italian feast coming to your door in the near future!

Yesterday a very odd feeling struck me - hence the risottocookingurge. It wasn't a low feeling, just odd and perhaps a little frightening too. The previous week with course weekend, cleaning and moving with my friend, and some dodgy activities on the net had left me in a very peculiar state of mind. So I called the local Help Team (consisting of one very solid member) which responded promptly. I'd say he's my rock, and after some private counseling and a cup of coffee in town, I felt so much better. Did I mention he's also a very good kisser? That helped too.


Erica said...

What an absolutely PERFECT post!!!! It's amazing what a 'knock your socks off' kiss can do for a woman!!!! :)

Erica said...

I had actually been thinking the same thing this weekend....maybe it's exactly what I need???!!! ;) and maybe a bit more......

Anonymous said...

Since I tried that risotto of yours, Im very sad that I live too far off to be the one treated...
Longing for a kiss like that too...

Karin said...

Well girls, the world is out there, and it's ours to take. A little kissing (and as you say Deb, sometimes a bit more) can do wonders! And for you my dear cousin, maybe I can do that risotto in October when I come visiting? And if there's no time for cooking, I hope we at least can have the wine...