Sunday, October 26, 2008

Beating The Blues

That's the problem with a open heart and soul - they're easy targets. The advantage though, is that they respond well to sincere and competent input. A good friend is someone who not only listens, but more importantly, helps you to see where you're going, and acts much like a guide dog, who stops the blind man as he's about to turn the wrong way.

And my sweet lady friend did just do that. But sticking with the previous metaphor I think my vision was only temporarily impaired, so what she said was still familiar to me, I only needed to be reminded. It's finally time to let go of some old ghosts who are haunting me, scaring away every other possibility of happiness.

This little chat we had at her house. I was there for taking some measurements, helping her out with a practical job; she's putting up a curtain for covering up a shelf, and on Monday we're going to IKEA. Anyway, I'm derailing again, but when we were finished we drove to town to meet two other women, friends of my friend, at Café Sanaa. This is not as much a café as a pub, they're fully licensed, but what's more important is that it's "alive". Alive with music from every corner of the world, and yesterday they had this Gambian griot playing his kora there. Every sad thought I could possibly have was carried away from me with this beautiful music, leaving my soul free and happy again.

After the first song, the kora player was accompanied by a percussionist from Chile. I sat there watching them, and was mesmerized by the sight. Obviously the sound too, but watching them was very special. A communication which needed no other language than the rhythm; the concentration of the Chilean drummer to follow the African tones and beats was to say the least intense. I could see him heaving his chest, taking breaths in full synchrony with the music, and his eyes steadily following the hands of the Gambian man.

Then suddenly we heard a saxophone tuning in - the owner of the place is a man of many talents. During daytime he works as a doctor and researcher, but at night he runs the cafe with his wife and as mentioned, he plays the saxophone. Often as a planned event at this very place, but I guess just as often when he just can't help himself. There's no way stopping the music...

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