Monday, October 13, 2008


Dinner was good, and the conversation was even better. How glad I am I have my wonderful friends, and spending a Sunday evening like this was a nice way of rounding off the weekend.

Friday I went to a party downtown. There were almost 50 people there, but I knew only one from before. Luckily for me though he offered great support in this new environment, and next morning a nice breakfast too. ;) Yes, real lucky I am. The rest of Saturday was spent trying to get rid of a terrible headache, and I didn't do much at all. The beginning of Sunday was quite lazy as well, except for the little work I contributed with at this voluntary thing we had where I live. I was saved from most of it by a phone call (talked for an hour...), and after that I did some odd jobs around the house, right up until I went to see my friend for dinner.

But the last thing I did on Sunday was actually buying tickets for next week; I'm treating myself with a few relaxing days up north. It'll be like a spa break. And I deserve it, right?


Anonymous said...

A spa-break is probably an excellent idea. And yes - I think you deserve it.

Karin said...

Thank you, me dearest. It's good to know I have your support. :)

Toril said...

I wonder what a Swedish girl living in Bergen means with "up north"?? Is that Tromsø, Ålesund, or possibly Lindås? I'm very curious since people from Stavanger considers everything north of Bergen for Northern Norway, which tells me a lot of their complete ignorance, or should I say lack of knowledge :)

Karin said...

It's not that far up north, but further up than your hometown anyway. ;) But it's the same area I went to a couple of years ago, checking up that boat, if you remember...