Sunday, October 19, 2008

Fly On The Wall

My favorite thinking place is often the shower, and so it was this morning. It has been pointed out rather strongly to me that I have a lot to keep track of these days, and that's probably true. So a daily shower keeps me clean - and sane.

As I stood there under the flowing water i felt quite alright, 'cause I had just sorted out one of my "problems". Or potential problem anyway. The insight that led me to that conclusion would most likely help me out with more than a few situations later on as well, and that too made me happy.

Suddenly I had a visitor behind the curtain. A midge came flying and landed on the wall. Euphoric as I was I actually smiled at him! Sounds silly, I know, but from my standpoint he was a living thing, only trying to make contact of some sorts. (No, I don't smoke weed...)

But can you guess what the stupid Chironomidae did? Don't know if he thought I was irresistible or something, but he flew right towards me! Oblivious to the water spray that eventually would flush him down the drain. Poor thing. Hopefully bigger creatures have the strength to stay head above water if they're close to me...


Anonymous said...

Something like "attracted till death" springs to my mind.... How can you blame him/it by the way. :)

Karin said...

But I'm sure you'll be safe, no matter what, considering your underwater skills. ;)