Monday, October 20, 2008

Spa Break

Certainly something every woman should enjoy at least once in her life!

Despite a few travel hiccups (what's new...) I arrived safely late Monday evening, and the resort even had a pickup service at the airport. Pure luxury! And from there it only got better. Imagine being spoiled and pampered beyond belief, from the moment you wake up until you go to bed at night. Steam baths, foot massages, and other body treatments. All meals included, accompanied with beer or wine. No alcohols for breakfast of course, which consisted of an outstanding selection of cold cuts, energy bread, coffee (both regular and espresso) and fresh juice.

The spiritual side of it shouldn't be underestimated, and the emotional boost I received will follow me forever. I've also learned a thing or two about myself, which will be very valuable for me in the future. In a few hours I'll be back home more relaxed and confident than ever. And do you know why? Because I'm worth it! At least that's what I'm told; and experienced and competent aestheticians like that shouldn't be questioned.


Erica said...

How absolutely wonderful!!! I'm turning green with envy! Yes, definately, you are worth it!!!! :)

Erica said...
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Erica said...

I'm getting a bit frustrated with myself...keep sending comments twice! I'm not being patient enough, I keep hitting the 'publish comment' button before the poor computer has time to respond! Silly me....

Karin said...

You're excused, my friend. And it's also a bit ironic, isn't it? I mean computers are supposed to be fast, and we're still beating them...