Friday, June 19, 2009

Itinerant Trainee

Can you guess what I've done 17 times, within the last 23 years?


Libertè ;) said...

My english isn't that good (with referance to the heading) - but cheated?
No - I give up.... care to enlighten us?

Karin said...

Yeah, you better be kidding! 'Cause you, of all people, certainly know I'm not the cheating type. ;)

No, I was more thinking of how many times I've moved! Of course, included in these 17 are about 5 short stopovers, while searching for a more permanent location and waiting for the moving load. Nevertheless; we had a new address each time. And even if I only count the "real" moves, the average is still one every second year!

I'm not sure yet though, about which type of itinerant I resemble the most...

Toril said...

Karin, I wish you hadn't revealed the answer as I knew instantly what you had done 17 times for the past 23 years!!! Not that you ever told me, but I have also been an expat, and I believe I've lived out of a suitcase and in transit even more than you have. However, I'm not going to challenge you on this one :)

Having dinner and wine with Gabrielle from Aussieland next week, and you ought to join us!!

Karin said...

And thinking we're not done yet either! But hopefully we'll eventually learn to get rid of enough baggage (all kinds...) to make every new move even easier than the previous. It takes practice to become a true vagabond. :)

Toril said...

Practice indeed, and mounds of determination and endurance!!!

Libertè ;) said...

...sorry 'bout the lousy joke. It's no excuse, but I'm blaming it partly on a minor redwine-infection.
A nice weekend to you and your readers.

Karin said...

You're excused, my friend. For that one... and isn't funny how red wine can make us do all sorts of silly things? You'll have to excuse me as well; I see that I'm a little edgy here. ;) Then again, maybe is about time I stopped being so bloody nice? ;)

Libertè ;) said...

I think not - don't fight your nature.
Nothing wrong in being nice.

Karin said...

Perhaps not, but I'll repeat what my brother used to say: "You can't keep a cow in the kitchen, just 'cause she's nice!" It looks like I'm still the cow...