Monday, June 01, 2009

A Cruel World

I'd like to pick up on a comment I made here the other day:

For new beginnings to take place there has to be endings. But some of them seem so utterly meaningless. And now I'm going to another funeral...

When a 80 year old man dies from lung cancer (or anything else) it's sad, but in our hearts we now that not all people even get 4/5 of a century to walk on earth. We know that life's gonna end one day, and hopefully the sadness and mourning can be dealt with in such a way that the rest of the life can go on. But why does a little girl, only 3 years old, have to die? I read that the survival rate for Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) is 91.2 percent for children under 5, but tragically enough my cousins daughter belonged to that other small percentage. There's no consolation to offer; nothing I can do or say that will make their days any easier.

In times like these, it's good to know that we have a strong family. A family which is not afraid of feelings. (Well, most of us aren't anyway.) A family that cares. But still, this won't be easy. I really need to pull myself together here, there are people who need it now. They need to get through this somehow, and if I can help in any way I will.


Toril said...

My condolences - and I'm speechless as I sense the immense pain!! It's like someone is sitting on my chest trying to strangle me, and I can't even start to imagine how the poor parents, siblings, and grandparents are feeling!!

Take care of yourself my dear friend! When are you leaving tomorrow?

Karin said...

Night train. But I have some errands to run downtown tomorrow; I might just pop by your office and give you a hug... :)

Toril said...

A hug would be vastly appreciated :) and I hope to see you!!