Thursday, June 25, 2009

Well Deserved Break

I think I made Toril proud today. She's been a little annoyed I guess, with my seemingly endless patience with people who screw me around, but today I finally said "Well, screw them!"

We met this afternoon at Dr. Livingstones for a bite and a glass of dry white. Got a perfect table, right behind a low partition wall with some flowerpots on top which provided a nice shade. The weather is absolutely beautiful these days, and thinking I'd be spending all of them locked inside packing would be a crime. Nice break, and tomorrow's another day...


Toril said...

It truly was marvelous, Karin! It's been quite some time since I enjoyed myself that much during a restaurant/pub visit in town :) The food was ok, the wine wonderful, and the company outstanding!!! On top of it all, the weather was magnificent!

I hope you make it to the vinmonopol today before closing time ;) Remember that they close at 6 o'clock, and that you'll need some tasty sauvignon blanc to enjoy during a warm and sunny weekend!

Karin said...

He, he, I've actually just come back from that place, but as I'm poor as a church mouse I had s to settle for an Australian Oaked Chardonnay. Two glasses of that and I'll be fine though. Or at least I can pretend I am. :)