Monday, June 22, 2009

Old Pics

As I picked up my son yesterday to drive him to the airport, I got a quick look inside the apartment he shares with three other young sailors. Stuck to ceiling was a picture of a little boy dressed in his best clothes. Very cute, but a funny spot to place a picture in I thought. Thomas explained that the idea was that they all get a corner each, but currently only Bruno was represented. So I went home to dig in my box containing all pictures from 25 years back...

It soon became evident that finding a picture of my son wouldn't be that easy. His sisters were present in almost every batch, but this little rascal were no where to be found. Except from a blurry one here, and a cropped one there. I guess he couldn't stay still long enough to be caught by the camera. Of course there were a few, but then mostly together with his sisters. The ones I found I'll give him next weekend when he's home again.

But searching through this box also meant I had to look a little too close on my previous life. Family life, holidays, different locations. Not saying I want it back, and besides - the kids are grown up regardless of my marital state. But it's weird to look at someone you've been so close to for so long and thinking it's almost a stranger. I can say a lot of things about my ex, but his looks has always been quite OK. Then I'm not counting that unfortunate period he wanted to sport facial hair. Not his wisest decisions, and I was strongly against it from the beginning. You see, not all men can carry off a mustache... I scanned the picture I found today, and I'll send it to my son to serve as a warning: don't even think about it! (He looks quite a bit as his father, you see...)

There was also some real old photos, like one of me, aged 4. I got the question the other day if I had any pictures of myself on the blog. No, I don't, but this one is rather cute and innocent:


Toril said...

Very cute and innocent indeed!! You were (are) gorgeous :)

I know all about looking through old photos, and having to remember the past. When I very recently made an album for my sister's 50th I had to go through all of my albums and pictures from decades ago, and the experience was very painful to say the least. In spite of good memories I found myself in tears many times during the ordeal, I was simply grieving times gone, and especially memories of my beautiful children, and the fact that these times will never come back - simply memories to cherish and enjoy!!

Karin said...

I have a meeting in town on Wednesday, shall I come by your office as well? Maybe lunch?

Unknown said...

I must count my blessing then, I have very few pictures of a past life to give me grief - of any kind. Very cute picture, you were quite the blondie back then, is your hair naturally light or did it darken with age (like my Dad's - he went from white as a child to black)?

Karin said...

He, he. "...quite the blondie..." Liked that one. ;)

And you guessed right, it changed with age. From straight, rather blond, to dark and curly! Must admit though it's getting lighter again. But if I'm fortunate enough to get my grandmother's natural platinum color I'd be happy. Although something's telling me I'll have to settle with some kind of mousy gray. Thank God for L'Oréal...