Monday, December 07, 2009

Christmas Cards

This year I'll be writing Christmas cards. Nothing extraordinary with that, you might think, and it isn't. For most people. Some people even expect you to write them. I haven't sent a single card for years now, probably stopped shortly after the divorce. Not that he was particularly involved in the writing, but the concept of Christmas cards somehow was connected to that life. Marriage and children, family. I don't say it is so, but that's how I felt. Maybe 'cause all the cards I received were from families. So after a round or two with trivial cheers from happy couples and their kids, who I actually had no contact with, I didn't bother any more. After another year or so they stopped coming also, except for the very predictable one from my ex brother-in-law with wife and kids. They go to Thailand each November and take care of the business there with a family photo. The smiles are getting wider and the kids taller for each year.

Now I hardly know any happy couples, if that ever was a criteria for getting a card from me. I found a bunch of funny cards in Edinburgh, and I'll probably start writing soon. So don't be surprised if you get one, I might even have the perfect one for you especially!


Toril said...

I always write Christmas letters and Christmas cards, but this year I just don't have the joy in me to scribble down any words or look for any suitable pictures of the past year.... I think I may feel a lot better after 2 or 3 gin & tonics on my way to Cape Town, and also during my stay there, which means I should find the energy to send my dear friends a postcard from beautiful Cape Town. I suppose the notion about Christmas is seriously getting to me! I simply cannot pretend anymore - I'm just very tired!!

I do wish I get a Christmas card from you though, and I will promise to send you a card from Cape Town. Not because I have to, but entirely because I want to!!

I'm particularly tired today, it isn't just my life in general. I took the H1N1 and the tetanus/pertussis(whooping caugh)/diphteria vaccines yesterday, and I'm feeling a little tired and slow after a long day of hard work. On top of it all I got an email from the nasty whitch from hell, and nobody can set me off on a tamper tantrum as she can!!!! I was simply fuming last night, and sent an e-mail to the ex demanding an end to this nonsense that have lasted for 11 years now, imagine that 12 god damn years!!!!!!!!!!!!

Karin said...

I can totally feel your despair right now, and I praise my lucky star that I don't have a Troll chasing me like that.

Your holiday with the kids in South Africa will do you so good, so just hang in there a couple of more weeks.

See you soon!