Sunday, December 06, 2009


What a blessing this book is; from now on I don't have to write a single post on my own! (Although I wouldn't count on it, you probably have to endure my tantrums and frustrations even in the future.) With Dr Johnson's book I can simply pass off a random quote whenever I get the feeling you're missing me. ;) So, with no particular reference to anything I give you a few from E and F:

Eadi. (Ee-dee) a. Wealthy. Describes a condition once believed to result from work, but now universally regarded as attainable only by correctly predicting a series of numerals, or (which there is a greater chance of doing) by becoming a professional footballer.

Flirtigig. (Fler-ti-gig) n. A giddy female. A fizgig on Buck's Fizz.

Fizgig. (Fiz-gig) n. A frivolous and fun-loving female. If also an Evite (q.v.), this is certainly the one to invite.

Evite. (Ee-viyt) n. A female wearing few clothes. More or less any female in more or less any UK town centre after eleven o'clock at night - even, for God's sake, when it's snowing.

Frim. (Frim) a. Plump and juicy. Things really don't get much better than when a flirtigig (q.v.) is frim, unless she's an Evite (q.v.) as well.

Fedity. (Fe-di-tee) a. Loathsome practise. There being none greater than the addition of lemonade to single malt.

Elucubration. (Ee-loo-kyoo-brae-sh'n) n. A literary work resulting from great mental effort. Not necessarily, though, a great literary work.

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