Friday, December 04, 2009


It's said that the tiger's stripes can't be washed out, and accordingly I behaved in a very predictive way while in Edinburgh. Regarding shopping at least. It was probably on the first day of city wandering I kept telling Hannah for every thing she suggested that it was too heavy to bring back to Norway. Traveling with Ryanair means you have 15 kgs of luggage. Not much. You do have a 10 kg hand baggage allowance though, but actually carry that much isn't really tempting. And besides, none of it can be liquid...

So, no shopping on Friday, and Saturday was Steiner school Christmas market,  as mentioned before. And as they have pretty much the same stuff both here and there, I really couldn't be bothered by buying homemade marmalade or hand dyed woolen toys. Until I passed the table with - stones. Yes, you got it right. And I bought 4 of them. Not that big, but do you see the madness here? I bought stones!

On Monday I really showed my true colors as we ventured into the bookstore... I got books for both me and the kids. Why surprise them by giving them something else? One I bought for myself was this marvelous Dr Johnson's Reliquary of Rediscovered Words.  Another Dr says on the front page of this book: "Some words richly deserve to disappear from a language. Dr Johnson seems to know instinctively which they are." Awesome, right? I simply love dictionaries and reference books, call me nut if you want to. But they can be so utterly entertaining! Like this:

"Absquatulate. (Ab-skwoo-tyoo-laet) vi. To make a hurried departure, with a usually unsuccessful attempt at doing it secretly. The wholly predictable outcome, after years of misery for all concerned, of any American military invasion of another country." [the original explanation is in italic]

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