Thursday, December 17, 2009

Midweek Lunch

Me and Toril had lunch yesterday at our regular place, Molière, and I consider myself lucky to have a friend like her. An hour and a half of revitalizing conversation while enjoying nice food, accompanied by even nicer wine. Hell of a lot nicer. No day is wrong for a glass of Amarone, if you ask me.

Most of our talk should remain private, and it's not that interesting for others anyway. We've been through so much similar stuff, and we do understand each other quite well. (Our ex's share certain experiences of their own, which carry a rather high entertainment value for me and Toril.)

So this is just to say "Thank you, Toril. For a wonderful lunch (again), and the best of companies.) Take care, and have a fantastic time i Cape Town with your kids and friends. See you next year!"


Toril said...

Karin, what a wonderful post!!! I wanted to write one myself as I was simply high after our lunch, and it certainly wasn't du to the one glass of delicious Amarone! You are simply a friend I treasure from the bottom of my heart, and I've said it before and I'll say it again: you, Deb and I are the perfect match, and I still believe the three of us will be toghether one day, and you'll say: Toril, you were right!!! Partners in crime and A LOT more :)))))

Please send me your new address, and I promise a little card from me in Cape Town to you in Bergen. They say snow is coming our way, and I'm a little worried about delays, but I have 12 hours of additional time for unforeseen delays so should be safe :) I'll think of you while I bask in the sun, and maybe you, Deb and I will be there together one day soon!

Wrote a kick-ass mail to my kids today about our schedule and holiday in Cape Town, and resulted in an even impressed Kristina (who had complained about my lack of information earlier on this morning)!! On top of it all my boss and all the professors are happy with my accomplishements at work, so a little elevated now to say the least. However, just came home from a round at the spa, and I feel like a greaseball :)

I'll miss you, Karin! The post is wonderful, and I truly treasure our precious friendship!

Karin said...

What can I say? Just thank you, again! And I really like your idea, have no problem seeing the three of doing mischief somewhere nice and warm.

I'll send you my address, look forward to a greeting from South Africa. :)

Toril said...

Karin, did you say you had commented on my latest post, or am I simply going senile?? Very cold this morning, so I feel all my senses have woken up from a long hybernation, and could be one of the reasons this flashback returned to my consciousness....

I realize I'm so busy hiding away my worries, sadness, and anger that I'm not paying attention to the world around me! I even thought you had commented on my post, but I realize now it's Deb who has commented - bless her heart!!

Please have my excused, I shall be back one of these days :)

Karin said...

I did comment, but you know cyberspace has peculiar ways of absorbing stuff from time to time. ;)

Anyways, I pretty much said what you already asked for. You are by all means excused for your "absence", and we will all be there for you when you finally take those steps towards liberation.