Friday, February 16, 2007

99 Bottles Of Champagne On The Wall

So, I'm back in the roller coaster again - traveling at a tremendous speed up and down, and round and round. Tuesday and Wednesday sure were lousy days, not that anything really dramatic happened, it was mostly my thinking going haywire, as it sometimes does. Yesterday though it was time to celebrate Toril and Jan Erik who finished their master theses. It has been established a custom there to buy a bottle of Champagne whenever someone has graduated, but as they were two people graduating we (me and Synnøve) had to buy two bottles. Just simple logic, right? But Mattias had also bought a bottle. Now we had three, and the madness had only started...

The celebration was to begin at 1 pm, right after they had handed in their work at the office. Line, Camilla and Silje came up, and the first bottle was popped open. Jan Erik wasn't there for the first bottles as he had to go to work (he came back later), and Line and Camilla only stayed for a short time as they just had a short lunch break. It won't make any sense trying to remember the correct order of events, and about who came and went at which hours, but we pretty soon found out that we needed more bubbly and Mattias was a good boy and ran downtown to pick up three more bottles.

At some point when Jan Erik was back again, he called his new girlfriend and she was asked to join us. We were all very excited to meet her, and she turned out to be a absolutely wonderful person. Not only because she brought another five bottles...

All I can say now that is I'm very proud of my dear friend who has accomplished so much, and what an inspiration she is!

Congratulations! Go get 'em, Toril!

Thanks for driving me home, Toril. Or rather thanks to your darling boyfriend, who did the actual driving. I think we're lucky neither of us were tempted to take the wheel...


Toril said...

My Goregeous Friend! The pictures are awesome, and I feel so honored!!!! You are the Best! The entire party was such a surprise and soooooo successful. I knew there would be a couple of bottles of chapmagne as it is - after all - our custom, BUT to have seen the bottom of 11 bottles of champagne is rather impressive, don't you think??

I'm rather shaky today, but I don't think it's from a hangover or simply from having drunk too much bubbles too fast, but it's all the other stuff of having accomplished something I'm proud of, and then there is the lack of sleep.... Possibly it's a combination of a lot of things, and my head is still all in clouds, and I'm insanely HAPPY!!

Thank you for a wonderful party, and for having taken some amazing pictures!!!

Today it's the Boat Show, and a dinner in town :)

My mom phoned me and she is so proud of me! That really warmed my heart as I know it comes from the bottom of her heart. She said she and my dad had been talking about me and how I was as a child :) I was very competitive and had to be the best in everything, and she cannot to this day understand who I'm like.... Since I'm a lot like her side of the family I guess I'm like them, but I think it's the combination from both my mom and dad. I remember liking to be the best, and for being up to something all the time - very creative and a vivid imagination! It brought back a lot of memories from my childhood, which are really weired to remember when you're turning 45 this year ;)

Lots to think about and lots of good philosophy. I'm planning a PARTY, and you'll be there ;)

Toril said...

Have you seen the word of the day?? I sure feel like an impregnable fortress today ;)

Karin said...

You deserve it all, my precious! I'm just about to leave now, have a meeting at the Institute of Marine Research, so I'll write something more substantial later. Have a good day, with Geir and boats and everything...