Monday, February 05, 2007


A couple of days ago when I looked for an empty envelope, I came across a few folders with a selection of old stories and other oddities. One of them I actually posted here in my blog a while ago, but I didn't enclose the teacher's note at that point, and that was just because it didn't matter for the story.

But, just listen, and tell me what you think. Give me an honest idea of how you would interpret her comments. So this has not so much to do with the actual story, more with her comments, but by all means, you're welcome to read it if you want to. First, her comments though:

Oh – oh!
“This is really a text which may be considered an example of hyperbole! Your writing it somehow seems unreal to me, - partly because of its seeming so much viewed from a man’s vantage point and even more because of the clichés (the coffee spilling, the ‘Miss Smith’, the Cartier etc.) But there’s no questioning you would have been capable of writing it.”

Personally, I'm rather proud of myself. Not for the story itself, it's not that good, but because I manged to "fool" her. Wasn't my intention, but when it first happened I thought it was something of an achievement. And it also shows how much she knows... But she was right about the text being a hyperbole filled with clichés. That was just how I intended it.

This happened 4 years ago, as so many other things in my life did. A lot of things ended, and other things I experienced for the first time. I would say too much happened in too short a time, and maybe that's why it has taken me so long to digest it? It's not until now I'm seeing a turning point, and when it happens it seems to happen fast. In a lot of areas.

Or maybe there is natural 4 year span to more than the Dow Jones Industrial Average, Lemming years and the "Presidential Cycle"?

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