Sunday, February 11, 2007

Icy Blue

Sunday. The day when all Norwegians go walking. As I'm not Norwegian I'm not actually brought up in that tradition, but I do like to get outside, so a Sunday is just as good as any day for a walk.

A friend of mine called me yesterday and asked me if I would like to have dinner with her today. And maybe a walk, if I could fit it into my schedule. I always have these stupid deadlines to reach. But I was a good girl, woke up early and finished the thing before noon. (Don't know what's gotten into me lately. Where's all this energy coming from?) Anyway, I called her, and then it turned out she was the one with a little bit of a problem. Her head was still spinning around from the party she'd been to Saturday night. She usually don't drink that much, but when someone offered her Cognac she said politely "No thanks", and then poured the Cognac out. Into her coffee. Which she drank.

We had a wonderful walk around her neighborhood, looking at lives, talking about our houses, or maybe it was the other way around? On the other hand, "house" can be a metaphor for your self and your life, so why not?

That's why I value my friendships so highly; we help each other, and a simple "walk&talk" can give you a whole new perspective on things. Before our walk she was feeling just as low as you can do with a serious hangover, you know, you get the idea that you will feel as slow and disconnected for the rest of your life. And I, I had other problems. Not problems really, but I worry too much. And when I have no one there to tell me otherwise I'm convincing myself that my darkest fears will come true.

After a few hours in the sun we both felt rejuvenated; her head was light and fresh again, and I? I realized I shouldn't worry. Like my father said to me on the phone the other day (and he's an infinite source of wisdom): all things need their own time. You can't rush it.

I also brought my camera with me today, which I almost forgot. We'd been walking for at least an hour when we came across this magpie, sitting low next to the road, holding something strange in his beak. It looked like a cigar, and it looked very funny. Too late I remembered I had my camera with me, I obviously wasn't thinking through the lens. But a little later my friend noticed these beautiful icicles, and the inner child of her woke up and she wanted to destroy them all. Well, weren't we a sight! But before going ballistic on natures creation I immortalized the scene with my Pentax. The light wasn't the best, rather boring, but the result came out very blue, and here I think it works anyway. Suits the icy theme, sort of:

And me? I'm not that cold anymore.

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