Saturday, February 17, 2007

External Censor

I'm so lucky to have friends that carefully point out the possibilities of mistakes I might do. Or just ask me the questions I need to hear. This time it's about the blog.

I know I'm very open and revealing here, and believe me, I have given it a lot of thought. Is it wise or not? For the most part I actually know who's reading, simply because it's mostly my friends who know about the blog in the first place. And they know me well enough to read between the lines when that's necessary, and when to know I'm exaggerating only to make a point. And they also know when it's pure fiction, and not from my real life. And most important, if they get confused they just ask me next time they'll see me.

Other people who stumble upon the blog who don't know me; I actually don't care that much what they think. Strangers who reach me via links in lets say Toril's blog, probably won't read the posts anyway if they get the impression I'm a lunatic. 'Cause this is what it's about. A friend of mine, after reading a few of the most recent posts, made me aware of how it might appear. Crying on the bus? The roller coaster metaphor? Shitty days? And party the next?

I agree with her, actually. If I didn't know myself, I too would have thought I was heading for a mental institution, diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

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