Friday, February 09, 2007

I Think The Earth Moved

I might have mentioned that I'm the honorary treasurer of the club where my son plays basketball, and in connection with that I have just wound up last years accounts. All which is to be presented at the annual meeting. Last night we had a final board meeting before the annual, just to tidy up next years budget and some other things. I didn't tell you this because it's particularly interesting, on the contrary, it's actually quite boring. Figures and numbers that need to be correct, and a lot of talk around it. That's why I needed a little break last night after the meeting.

So what can you do in the middle of February, thats free, and won't take long? Easy. You'll travel the world! With the help of modern technology and a good portion of vivid imagination you can go anywhere in a jiffy.

I drove directly from the meeting to a dear friend of mine. We had something to celebrate, and did that with some cake and coffee and... Yummy, indeed. A little later I said something about wanting to visit Monte Negro sometime. Not exactly sure how far up on the coastline it was situated (it turned out to be much further south than we'd expected), we decided to check it online. But why settle for a crude graphic map when you can use Google Earth? In your own living room you can zoom in on every single spot on the earth, it's absolutely amazing. Not all the maps have equally good resolution, for example my hometown doesn't show that well. But when we started our trip to places he'd been, it became a totally different experience. Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait and so on are extremely well represented. But the travel there went further, beyond the actual places. When we came to Babylon, I made some associations to an assignment I had last year. While working on that essay I came across Hammurabi's Code of Laws, and also wrote a blogpost about that.

And like that we traveled here and there, sharing memories and experiences. I took him to Australia and Canada, with a stopover in Sardinia, while he showed me Curacao. We also had a look at a few places neither of us had been before, but that looked tempting. Like the Maldives.

Well back "home" again we suddenly realized that the world had turned upside down on the screen. In Google Earth you can control the map of the world in almost every possible angle and direction, and when we'd zoomed out somehow there was another perspective to it. Refreshing.


Toril said...

Impressive indeed!! Thank you, my friend ;)

Karin said...

Or maybe I overdid it? It's a bad habit of mine.

No, I'm only kidding; glad I could be to some use for you, my friend. I'm thinking about you every other minute, and I know in my heart that you'll do fine. And I really look forward to spend some quality time drinking wine, with you and maybe some other nice people. Sounds like a plan, doesn't it?

Toril said...

Possibly it's your friendly vibes that have calmed me down today. I had a bad session of hyperventilation last night, and I was ready to die!!! I really thought I had written just nonsense, and I WAS ready to send myself off to that cleaning job my ex-husband insisted was the only thing I could do!!! Honestly, it is true!!! I ended up with a major ache from the head to the end of my fingers, and could barely move my head or even move my body without hyperventilating with pain....

It was bad! But amazing how you pick up the pieces of your life through love and attention AND wonderful friends, and be back to almost normal today.

OK - I admit to having taken 2 Ibuprofen, but that all and it's hours ago now :)

Karin said...

And knowing you I realize just how bad it must had been. Those were the first two pills in your life ever, right? Or at least not far from it.

Toril said...

It may have been my fourth or fifth, but you're not far from the truth ;)

I just took a few minutes to read your post comprehensively, and really enjoyed it. You are very clever at associating the present with the past through your web of links, something I need to improve!!

I didn't know you wanted to go to Monte Negro.... Funny you should mention that country, because I'm convinced it wasn't even in my vocabulary. What is nice, fun, historical and unique in Monte Negro? Just curious :)

I sure know Kuwait though, having lived there for a couple of years. I loved my life there - as naive and gullible that may seem today!! I have never been to Afghanistan, but feel I know it after having read The Kite Runner, which by the way is a book you must read!

Karin said...

I didn't know that much about Monte Negro either; but just fell in love with a single picture, which spurred me to further investigations. Still don't know that much, but one of the reasons we didn't go there for our holiday was that they were going to hold their first parliamentary elections about that time. Could have meant problems.

But I'd love to go there another time.

The Kite Runner, is that yours? Maybe I could borrow it for the winter vacation.