Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Castle

Dreamtime again. There are different schools regarding dream interpretations, and of course views differ whether dreams needs to be interpreted at all. But I think we can all agree, that dreams mean something to us, even if it's just a way of getting some "free" entertainment. Your personal cinema.

Obviously not all parts of a dream are equally clear to you memory, and I'm not sure if telling an incomplete dream is any good? But some say, that in itself is significant, that the parts you remember are the ones that are important to you for some reason. To the dream then:

I stood at the top of the stairs, overlooking the castle grounds. It was a beautiful day, and I mean it. Summertime. The temperature was perfect, it was like being soaked in water at body temperature. There was something timeless and infinite, yet very fragile over the moment. It was like pure happiness caught in a split second.

But it wasn't mine. From my view, with the castle in my back, I saw this horse drawn carriage coming up the driveway. The sides of the carriage were draped with yellow curtains, concealing the passengers. The carriage made a half circle and stopped just below the stairs, and a couple stepped down. There was the happiness. They were of noble birth, aristocratic, rich and beautiful. She wore a fantastic but simple dress which shimmered in the sunlight. I think the couple was on its way to a party of some kind at the castle. I knew I would never be a part of that, and that was the strongest feeling I had in the dream.

Then I dreamed I woke up, and I was intrigued by the vividness of the dream. It had been so clear, so crisp and detailed. Just like a movie. Strangely enough I started to reflect on the dream while I was still asleep. Amazing how you can get so tired from sleeping, but I guess it's my mind telling me I have issues I need to handle. Awake or not. Yellow curtains, what was that all about? I know some dream interpreters pay a lot of attention to colors, maybe I should ask one?

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