Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Keeping The Accounts

Why I said yes is a mystery, I can only guess it had something to do with me having trouble saying NO. But the fact remains - I'm still trying my best to keep the books for the basketball team, of which I'm a board member. This is the second year I'm at it, and all this time I've been working with this rather rough Excel spreadsheet, which I sort of inherited from the previous accountant.

Earlier this year we decided to invest in this Mamut Business Software in order to make things easier and more reliable for us. At least when it's up and running. 'Cause I had so much else to think about at the beginning of this year, that I really couldn't picture myself sitting down with a new program and interface and learn how to use it. So time passed and nothing happened. Until now in september, when the board once again brought up the question, and I said yes - why not? And promised to buy the program and redo the books.

And that's what I've been doing for a couple of days now. 454 vouchers has been entered, as well as this year's budget. "And I saw everything that I had made, and, behold, it was very good." I'm beginning to feel the satisfaction it is to accomplish things I have put off for too long.

And now - read! Something else I've been putting off for a while...

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