Friday, October 12, 2007

The Cookie Monster

A long time ago we moved with our two small kids (2 and 4) to a very family friendly neighborhood. You know the type, where no cars are driving close to the houses, and the children are running all over the place? I remember one day, not long after we'd moved in, sitting outside talking a neighbor about this and that, when one of the girls from the area came in to the garden and asked if she could have a cookie. My neighbor discretely tried to stop me from giving the little girl anything, and she explained why after the kid had left. "You see, she was adopted from South America when she was 2, where she'd been brought up in a orphanage. From what I've heard there was little to eat, and they soon learned to steal whatever food they could find. So if you give her anything from here she'll always come back, begging for more. She's insatiable." said my neighbor.

There are many things we can be deprived of, but I guess the long term effect in any case can be that we're left with a revenous appetite like the Cookie Monster. Insatiable. And we really don't believe it's there when we finally get it, and therefore try to get as much as we can at once.

So I'm so sorry for stealing from the cookie jar. But don't worry, my thieving days are over. I'll ask next time.

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