Monday, October 01, 2007

My Bags Are Packed...

...and I'm on the move! I'll leave early tomorrow morning with a suitcase filled with - books, a coffee mug and a packet of ground coffee! You see, I'm not moving very far, only to the university, where I'll hopefully be able to find the flow I need to fulfill my assignments. Really look forward to it, and I must admit I feel a little special and privileged.

But telling you this was actually not what I had in mind when I started to write, so in order to get to my initial thought I have to change the subject slightly. I was thinking about the "little things", and how rich life can be if we learn to see and appreciate them. And how exciting everything gets then!

I believe the world we live in today is so fast paced, action packed and over stimulated that it's sometimes hard to find that inner peace. People are in constant search of the biggest thrills, and we hurry through our lives, chasing the next adventure. But it could be hiding right under your very nose!

Watching the kids outside sweeping the autumn leaves in a big pile and then jump in it - could you get a nicer view from your window, while you're trapped behind the desk? And to see the mountains glimmer in reddish pink from the low light of the sun, and feel the crisp air in your nostrils - doesn't that put a smile on your face?

Back in the 19th century men were easily aroused just by a glimpse of a woman’s ankle, and I guess a woman blushed deeply only from thinking about him watching. Today we are bombarded with impressions which leaves little to the imagination, and it seems we need more and more to be stimulated. I'm afraid that we're getting numb and losing our sensuality, and that the ability to be delighted is being weakened.

But it is possible to take a step back and open your eyes, and be happy for what's there. I reckon though that people who have suffered distress either emotionally or financially (or both) are generally better at it - as "beggars can't be choosers"; but in any case, you have to want to see and feel the wonders.

Contrary to what some may think of me, I have often felt a bit cold and numb, but that's slowly changing now. I realize my problem has been the listening part, and if you think of any experience as a communication, it's so important to stay open and receptive. Just consider the concept of how a piece of art can "speak" to you!

Well, what do you know, am actually there again! (And that's good, 'cause I'm very tired, almost lost my train of thoughts, and I need to go to bed...) By
"there" I mean where my inspiration for my bachelor assignment lies - and that's communication! And that will probably be the ground for my master as well. As it is the ground for everything...

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