Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Through The Wall

There are six apartments in our row, and I live in the middle. (As much as there is a middle in an even number.) The flat to my right is empty, but in the one on the left lives a single dad. When his girls aren't there, he usually "shares" his music with me, but I can't complain, I guess he can hear sound coming through from my place as well. This morning he played some really crappy music though, and I was glad I was on my way out. But as I stood there in the bathroom (that's where the sound penetration is most obvious), I came to think about another time his music got my attention.

This was springtime 2006, and suddenly I heard something very familiar, although I was quite sure I hadn't heard it before. It was more the sound of the guitar and the characteristics of the rythm that were known to me. And I thought Pink Floyd, knewing it wasn't them.

But a few days later I learned that David Gilmour had released his third solo album "On an Island" on his sixtieth birthday, and that was what I'd listened to. Do I have a good ear or what? The walls are not that thin, and sound travelling through them, naturally gets a little mumbled and indistinct.

When thinking about this again today, the line "David Gilmour through the wall" popped up, and I thought I'd write a post about it. Only much later I realized the little twist in it.

...through The Wall...

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