Monday, October 15, 2007


Everything runs in cycles, and so does my blog. I'm very aware of it, so often when I get an idea or something triggered me to write a certain post, I use the search function up in the left corner to see previous postings about the subject. I don't wanna repeat myself too much, although it's a natural thing. I'd like to think of it as growth and evolvement, rather than replication. Like the Sunflower coming up year after year is not the same, although the offspring is carrying the DNA from its parents. Weather conditions and fertilizers will effect the outcome, as will the quality of the seed itself.

So while reading through old and withered posts, I actually find myself a little surprised. "Did I actually write this?" I'm also almost ashamed to admit that some of it strikes me as not too bad actually. Another perspective is also that while I know what's behind a story, a reader might not. I'll give you an example.

I searched for "fix" and this post came up. (Funny enough it was exactly from a year ago, almost to the day. Talk about cycles.) Had I read something like this, I think I'd assume that the writer actually had some knowledge. Does this mean then that I know more than I realize, or that I shouldn't assume that other people know what they're talking about, even if it appears so? It might be good therapy then to read through my own posts and rediscover my own abilities.

As always I'm split between my own beliefs. Is it hope in seeing that it wasn't the end a year ago, as I felt it was, or does it simply prove that nothing lasts either it's good or bad? But maybe we just should accept that there's a natural rythm to life we neither can or should fight against? We can only learn from it, evaluate and select the best seeds, so that the next crop gets richer and more nutritious.

Some things are worth repeating, as having lunch with wonderful friends. In a couple of hours I'm off to meet Toril, since she's a working girl now we had to make it a dinner appointment instead. I don't mind at all. Still the same place, but maybe we'll can allow ourselves more than just the one glass since we're doing it later...

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