Thursday, February 07, 2008

The Dreaded Blue Screen

So - it has happened to me too. My laptop has crashed, and all I get is the infamous Blue Screen. Maybe it can be rescued, but to what cost? I've had the machine for 4 years now, which is rather good for a laptop, and I actually bought a stationary PC last summer, since the old one was getting slow. But for writing and surfing while traveling I thought it would work a little longer.

Now that it seems like I won't have a laptop anymore I'm considering getting a new one. Buy me a little happiness? Some say this is a Zsa Zsa Gabor quote, but if not it can still illustrate my view today: "If you don't think money can buy you happiness, you're shopping at the wrong store." Luckily the one I'm thinking of isn't available at the moment, so there's no risk of doing anything rash.

I was thinking about getting a Mac, mostly because of its design, but I'm not too keen to convert my old beliefs. But this little baby from Packard Bell looks nice, doesn't it? In this case small is a good thing...


Erica said...

Ah, yes, this certainly seems like the month for things going awry! I had the scale in the barn stop working this morning - so no new bird weights....oh, well, my supervisor wasn't too concerned with the problem. I've had more computer "mishaps" in the last two weeks than I care to remember so I checked out my horoscope. It says that things will go wrong for the first part of the month but should get better by the end. At any rate if you believe in this kind of thing it also is telling me not to purchase anything new until after the 20th or so. With the way things have gone so far, I might just be tempted to follow that advice!!!!

Erica said...

By the way, VERY nice computer!

Karin said...

Sometimes I wish I lived before electricity was around, in many ways things seemed a little less complicated back then. Or maybe that's just romantic thinking...

So what does the horoscope say for me? I'm a Taurus (and a very stubborn one as well)

Erica said...

Yes, well, apparently this advice about computers, electronics etc applies to all. And here again, the recommendation NOT to purchase anything new until March. Here's the site if you want to take a look. I guess we're all stuck with this mess for a couple more weeks! ;)

Karin said...

Interesting chart, and if I get it right - everything will be fine by the end of the month! He, he. Wouldn't that be great...

No "electric" purchases for me this month then. It's probably wise not to go nuts in the computer shack anyway. I better restrain myself, well, at least in that department.

Erica said...

We can dream at least!! ;) I'm hoping things will begin to improve over the month.

Yesterday was quite the up and down day. I had the above mentioned scale problems, then stabbed myself with a small piece of wire sticking out from one of the pen doors - how I managed to hit that little bit of metal I don't know but I've caused myself a whole new set of problems with this! Had my tetnus/diptheria booster today.

On the other hand things went very well with my supervisor. He was quite impressed with my computer/Excel expertise - dramatic improvement over the last time!!! Hey, if I can keep the boss happy I won't mind (too much anyway) the other "glitches" that happen along the way! :)

Restraint...well, that least as much as is limited by the budget, but beyond that, use your imagination!

Karin said...

Ouch!!! Poor you, and as you say, it's even worse for you with your type of job. And I absolutely don't envy you those shots either. I'm a real coward when it comes to that.