Monday, February 25, 2008

Turmoils Of Passion

Woke up this morning in a state I haven't been in for a long while, and I must say it felt great to be just that - awake. Been sleeping for too long now. But I was restless too, and spent the whole day being social with first one lady friend and then another, instead of reading and writing as I should have been doing. There's always tomorrow, and I think I really needed this day with my friends to articulate my current thoughts and feelings.

I had sincere intentions that some of this would result in a blog post at the end of the day. But I think I tried too hard, wanting too much, and now I realize it won't happen like that today. Not because I didn't have anything I wanted to say - I have so much on my mind and heart I don't know where to start. (In fact, there's almost enough for a whole novel by now.) The beauty of it all though, is that this is just the way it should be. There's no point forcing it, the outcome wouldn't be any good. I'll just let it sit for a while, I think, and then suddenly something will give me an angle for expressing my thoughts. Until then I'd better dig myself deep into world of studies, I have a lot to catch up on...

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