Friday, February 22, 2008

Unintended Choice

I've been listening to the radio lately for a change, and there's this song I've heard a few times now that really got to me. Unintended by Muse. And as I'm quite emotional I cried a little. Silly perhaps, but I'm not afraid to admit it. I had a little difficulties to distinguish all the words, so I searched for the lyrics, and while doing that I came across this music video where the song is mixed together with clips from the drama Jane Eyre. I've tried to figure out whether the song was used originally in the BBC series, but it really doesn't matter. The point is that it made the song even more powerful, since I remembered the effect the show had on me watching it around Christmas time.

Don't we all just thrive on a good love story? And Jane Eyre is a classic. Sincere and unexpected love that has "a few" obstacles in it's way to overcome. Troubled pasts and broken hearts. Despair. But of course it ends happily, just like it should.

PS. Today I have listened to the song over and over again, and read the words a few times too. It was a long time since a melody stuck to me like that.

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