Thursday, February 21, 2008


At some level I think all women want to have long hair, and I also suspect most men wanting us to have it too. (And maybe we want it, just because they do?) I must admit I'm no exception, but as it also has to be beautiful long hair, I always end up at the hairdresser's when it gets dull and unmanageable. And most hairdressers are so eager to cut and "transform" that they usually have a way of convincing me to do just that. The problem then is that I actually need to see them again every 6 weeks in order to maintain that hairstyle, something I dread to do, costing a fortune as it does.

So I usually go ages before I venture down to that salon again; until one day, weeks overdue, and I can't run my finger through the hair because it's all tangled up, I finally see no other way than to cut it off. This was one of those days.

But it turned out a little differently. Not only did I walk away without cutting it that much, but this young man also seemed to know what he was doing, explaining a few things about my hair I'm not sure I knew. I rather like my hair being curly and a little "messy", but when it's too long it just looks plain messy, and I thought a drastic haircut was inevitable too preserve the little curl I had. He didn't see it that way, and hopefully he's right. Anyway, it's always easier to cut more if needed than to put it back on again...

It still was awfully expensive, but for a change I at least thought it was worth it. On top of it all he gave me a compliment or two, sharing his view of Swedish women being better looking than Norwegian. With our sparkling eyes and strong features.

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