Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Feeling Good = Looking Good?

Another lazy day is almost over, and I think I'm going to round it off with a glass of wine. Yeah, I know it's Wednesday, but in my world that doesn't matter. (Must have been living in the Mediterraneans in a previous life...) Maybe I shouldn't say I've been lazy, in fact I've been walking all over town. And reading too, since I brought the book.

First I paid a visit to someone I haven't seen for a very long time. She's another of my artist friends, also a ceramist, her name is Elin Brudvik and she's got her own workshop on "Bryggen" here in Bergen. It was so good to see her again, and from what I could tell the feeling was mutual. She's been very productive lately, and had lots of new things around. Very exciting. For as long as I known her I've wanted to buy something larger of her (have "plenty" of cups and things), but since I don't feel I'm in the right place I've left it for later. I'm still not in my own place, but somehow I think I'll get something from her anyway. Naked man? Naked woman? Lion? Horse? Difficult choice. There was actually a very nice sculpture of a woman lying on her side that I liked. Looked a little like me, except her bust was considerably perkier. (Well, ceramics does stand a better chance defying gravity.) Think I might need some help choosing there. When I was about to leave she said: "You look great, by the way." "Well, I feel quite alright at the moment, so..." I replied, and a little kiss on the cheek later I strode out in the wet and cold of February.

Next I had an appointment with a friend who desperately needed some counseling/reassurance before her big adventure tomorrow. A couple of months ago I put her on the idea of finding a partner on the net. She has this vision of her living on a mansion in Scotland, so I helped her find a Scottish dating site. I'll leave all the details out, but tomorrow she'll be on the ferry to Newcastle, and she's scared as hell. She'll probably throw up even if the see is calm... I suggested a couple of Gin&Tonics might help. She too said I looked good, and my answer was the same to her.

In between these two meetings I had a little time to kill, and ventured into a cosmetics shop. I'm very selective when it comes to perfumes (as with everything else, actually!), and choosing one isn't something that's done in fifteen minutes. First I'll have a quick sniff from the bottle of a few that might be interesting, and than even fewer are tried out on those paper strips they supply. In the end I'll choose one, or maybe two, that I'll actually spray on my skin. So I won't buy one the same day I try it, and that serves two purposes. Firstly, the true experience of the scent isn't possible to obtain without wearing it for as long as it "lasts". You might like the top note, but then comes the middle notes and base notes as well. Which might not go with your personality. The second reason for not buying the same day is that it's so god damn expensive! If I like something I'll just keep it mind till next time I travel. Very pragmatic.

Today I ended up with a scent from Dolce&Gabbana on my wrist,
suitably called "the one", and judging by the way they describe it themselves, I could almost have bought it without trying: "the one is a warm, oriental floral fragrance with modern sensuality. A fragrance with a strong personality and a contrasting golden sweetness." Four hours later and smelling my own skin I'm almost convinced "the one" will be mine by the end of next month, when I go abroad. Also from D&G's site: "Extraordinary, Unmistakable, Unique". Now that could be me, right?

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